Discuss iPhone apps here.
Oct 22nd, 2011, 11:12 am
Hi folks I'm in a quandary wonder if anyone is able to help me. I used to have an app on my phone but have managed to lose it and would like to re-install. Only problem is its no longer available in iTunes, and I've changed PC's etc over the months and it no longer in my local iTunes library either! :( The app was originally free and is called Ribbit Mobile v1.0.62

One of my friends still has the app so I got him to get the .ipa from iTunes and send it to me. While I have now got it to show in my iTunes it will not install on my iPhone. My iPhone is Jailbroken, I have Installous and the AppSync patch on it.

If I double click the app in iTunes is says "To install this app you must authorise this computer for apps purchased using the account <[email protected]>". Any ideas how I remove the reference to his account from the IPA? I guess there is a token in one of the files some where.

I read here ... http://www.hackint0sh.org/f151/50960.htm
about adding this to the Info.plist..

Code: Select all<key>SignerIdentity</key>
<string>Apple iPhone OS Application Signing</string>

I've tried that and still no luck, can anyone help me figure this out please? I just want the free app back on my phone! :)

Oct 22nd, 2011, 11:12 am

The largest hole in any computer system is the empty space inside the users head!