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Sep 29th, 2023, 5:35 am
Hand Quilting Techniques for Farmhouse Style: Easy, Stress-Free Ways to Quickly Hand Quilt by Carolyn Forster
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 82,6 MB
Overview: Discover simple, stress-free techniques for creating gorgeous quilts! Complete guide to utility hand quilting, a machine-free quilting method for contemporary quilters. Quick and easy quilting using simple designs, bigger stitches, and thicker threads. 32 utility quilting designs, 12 stitches and knots, 5 binding and finishing techniques, and 9 tacking and basting ideas. 11 quilting projects with step-by-step instructions, photography, and illustrations. Author Carolyn Forster has been a quilt maker for over 25 years and is also the author of Handmade Quilt. If you have ever wanted to try hand quilting, this is the perfect place to start! Utility quilting is the perfect solution for today's modern quilter who wants to quilt by hand in a way that's stress-free, satisfying, fast, and easy. From popular author, teacher, and quilter Carolyn Forster comes this updated edition of the complete quilting project guide to introduce you to the beauty of utility quilting.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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Sep 29th, 2023, 5:35 am