Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
May 11th, 2024, 1:03 pm
Tales of Ikronia by L.A. Lambert (#1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 665 KB
Overview: L.A. Lambert (he/him or they/them) is a transmasc & nonbinary m/m romance author who usually enjoys speckling his sugary-sweet stories with fantasy or paranormal.

He currently resides in Indiana and enjoys JRPGs, anime, and horror movies.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Fantasy

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Honey and Starlight (#1)
March Cesari is a prim and proper noble who values routine, consistency, and tradition. When he comes of age to begin receiving marriage proposals, he imagines he’ll end up with someone like himself- polite and respectable.

Nero Aracovin, the cocky and carefree Crown Prince of Dragons, is perfectly comfortable with his easygoing life. When the king demands that he show some ambition by courting March, he is less than thrilled with the fussy young man. But with the threat of being shipped off to the royal military if he doesn’t comply, he doesn’t have a choice.

As the two of them attempt to work through their unpleasant history, as well as the external conflicts that seem to want to keep them apart, they are forced to reconsider the lives they thought they wanted for themselves.

The Promise Effect (#2)
Laurel von Isildor was once a promising young sorcerer and artist, but a traumatic relationship left him jaded, bitter, and unable to use his magic. When his friends hire an empathic healer with rare abilities to help, mistrustful Laurel isn't keen on the idea. Especially once he meets the terminally cheerful golden retriever-like man.

Ash Daye is an eternal optimist with a perfect track record when it comes to healing his clients' various physical and mental ailments. But this job is more complicated than any before, particularly when intense romantic feelings develop between the two of them.

Will Ash succeed in helping Laurel overcome his emotional blocks and accept love? Or will the scars of his past, and the threat of his vindictive ex, keep Laurel from the fairy-tale ending he has always secretly dreamed of?

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May 11th, 2024, 1:03 pm
