Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Jan 25th, 2021, 3:23 pm
Enchanted Heiresses Series by Rita Boucher (Books 1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 500KB/400KB (retail)
Overview: Rita Boucher has always loved stories set in the Regency era, (not surprising, considering she grew up reading Georgette Heyer). Miss Gabriel's Gambit combines her love of romance and the game of chess.
Genre: Historical Romance


The Would-be Witch (Book 1):
Miranda Wilton seemingly has everything, birth, breeding and beauty, yet she finds herself on the threshold of spinsterhood. Because she carries the heritage of the Merlin, her family demands she marry among those who share his supernatural blood, but no mage will willingly wed a woman without magical powers. When the cards predict that a wedding is possible, Miranda agrees to brave the social whirl of a London Season.
Adam, Lord Brand, has dedicated himself to unmasking London’s legions of frauds who fleece the gullible by claiming to traffic in the mystical world. Miranda poses an intriguing conundrum. Unlike most charlatans, she claims no powers of her own, seeks no financial gain, but she truly believes that magic exists. Adam is determined to prove that her faith in enchantment is a misbegotten fairy tale. But as the skeptic lord finds himself falling under Miranda’s spell, he begins to acknowledge that there might very well be forces that transcend his understanding and that love is the greatest power of them all.

Lord of Illusions (Book 2):
Rowan believes that her husband’s death will finally free her from servitude to the evil Du La Fey family, but she is forced to use her magic for one final mission. Disguised as a dowdy governess in the household of an English diplomat, she passes on information about Napoleon’s imprisonment. With her child’s future at stake, the last thing that she can afford to do is fall in love with the one man who could very well expose her.
Damien, Lord Wodesby, poses as a stage magician to uncover the network that is sending secrets to France. As the investigation reveals a web of intrigue and magic, Damien realizes that his growing feelings for Rowan are far more than a passing illusion. Before the masquerade ends, Damien must choose to risk his honor and magical heritage for the love of a woman who may be both a spy and an Outsider without magical gifts.

A Touch of Magic (Book 3):
A mage without power. A witch without hope.
Desperation drives the beautiful, widowed witch, Genevieve Dale, to seek the help of Etienne, the notorious Comte du La Fey. Exiled to England, cursed for violating Merlin’s laws, Etienne must live a life without magic unless he can somehow redeem himself. Ironically, the disgraced mage is the best hope of Genevieve’s son, Louis. Other than Etienne, no one is willing to mentor the half-Outsider boy and help him learn control of his dangerous magic.
Etienne soon finds himself wanting far more than the fake betrothal that is part of his bargain with Genevieve. Only her touch can calm the turmoil of the roiling power suppressed within him. With their futures at stake, Etienne must choose between the possibility that he can break the curse or take the chance that he might lose his magic to gain a lifetime of love.

Download Instructions:
The Would-be Witch:

Lord of Illusions:

A Touch of Magic:

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Jan 25th, 2021, 3:23 pm

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Mar 29th, 2021, 3:19 pm
Added Lord of Illusions (March 2021).
Mar 29th, 2021, 3:19 pm

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May 14th, 2024, 6:05 am
Added A Touch of Magic (May 2024).
May 14th, 2024, 6:05 am

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