Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Jul 13th, 2022, 6:17 am
8 Romance Books by Ellie Rowe
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 702 + 364 KB
Overview: Hey! I’m Ellie Rowe. I’m a mom. I have just the one kiddo (so far) and I’m a single mom working hard for her own HEA…and also for myself. I run a marketing agency and write because even if there aren’t enough hours in the day, I have to claim some to hang out with readers…and I read so many books, I had to start writing some of my own.

We’re women that want to fall in love with no hangups and a HEA.
Genre: Fiction > Romance

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1. Two Wranglers For Her
This girl is skilled enough for two stallions!

I never expected to meet two men as fine as Owen Novack and Trent Hawk.
They bring a whole new definition to grabbing the bulls by the horns.
So, when they have a problem on their ranch, I’m all too eager to help. Someone is sabotaging their business and it’s up to me to find out who. It's going to require me to get my hands dirty.

But that isn’t a problem.
These two guys already have made my mind a pigsty.

I know better than to let my emotions join our herd, though. They'll only become a weapon for others to use and I can't afford to let the boys be branded by anything but me.
I'd rather stay focused on roping our bad guy so I can get back to tying up my two cattlemen.
And babe, let me just tell you.

I love focusing on that beef.

2. Two Bosses For Her
HR would fire us all if they knew what we were up to…

My two new bosses are gorgeous hunks of man meat.
Rich, hot, co-CEOs that make you daydream during a meeting.
I’ve always been a hard worker.
But these two men are going to take it to a whole new level.

But it’s not all fun and games.
Someone is out to get us and important files are being leaked and framing me.
We’re going to have to find who's trying to sabotage their company.
Along the way I can tell we’re going to fall in love.
But whether they trust me enough to give it a chance is gonna be another story.
I just hope we catch the culprit and save the company.

So that quarterly reports aren’t the only thing sliding across their desks.

3. Two Rough Riders For Her
On hot days, I like to save a horse and ride a cowboy.
Good thing for me, I have two to pick from.

I’ve always been married to my job as owner of Wells Ranch.
But when I hire Richard and Daymon, I start to make time for more neglected areas of my life.
Like a good roll in the hay…to quality test it of course.

Too bad my mind is too dirty to fully focus on training my two new hires.
My prized cattle are going missing at an alarming rate and it’s keeping me up at night.
When I’m not otherwise occupied.

My boys are determined to get to the bottom of it.
But will they find them before my ranch goes down in flames?
I have to hope so. I’ve learned firsthand the lengths they’ll go to to make me happy.

And if they do catch the culprit, I know just how I’ll reward them.
Show them just how hard this cowgirl can ride.

4. Office Flirt
The amount of money my three bosses have? Billions.
The value of our love? Priceless.

There are just some things money can’t buy…

But for everything else, this billionaire trio is a dream come true.
Especially if you’re a young single girl like me who came to the big city to escape her abusive ex.

These three eligible bachelors won't just be giving me a job...
They won't also just be putting a roof over my head and taking me on expensive dates filled with over the top makeovers and spicy good times.
And while they'll be protecting me from my ex who comes looking for blood, that's not all they'll be doing either.
They'll be doing something I never thought would happen.

They'll be filling my heart with love.

5. Her Billionaire Bossholes
I had discipline. I had grit.
All that went away when I saw my bosses.

I’ve trained my body.
But I never paid much attention to my feelings.
So when I traded in my boxing gloves for a bodyguard suit, I didn’t realize what was coming.
Sure, I was ready for the looks. You don’t really expect a slender brunette like me to be a bodyguard.
I was ready for anything.
And then I met the CEO’s I’d be protecting.

Leo: Brooding. Smoldering. With looks that will leave you a melted puddle on the floor.
Caleb: The most piercing eyes, a body like a god, and soul that leaves you breathless.
Jackson: Rugged. Confident. His look told me he got everything he ever set his mind to. Everything.

And that’s where I realized my mistake.
See, I had trained my muscles to protect. But I had left the most important thing ungaurded.

My heart.

6. Her Three Hitmen
All I wanted was one night…
…Instead I found three men.

I wanted excitement. A bit of danger.
Had I known the danger I was going to get into, maybe I would have stayed home that night.
But instead I came into their night compound for a night of fun.
But in the morning, my palace became…

…A prison.

My jailers are three perfect men.

Xavier: So charismatic and confident. Exuding dominance and power.
Antonio: Mysterious and brooding. Shrouded in secrets that only enhance his appeal.
Lucas: Charming and affable. But rugged and manly in an earthy way.

Known by some as violent mafia killers. Their hands are stained by blood. But in them, they now hold something even more dangerous.

My heart.

7. Her Three Tech Bros
Three hot men instead of just one?
Sign me up.

This is the last thing I expected to happen to me when I moved to LA.
But when I meet Ethan, Ryan, and Logan in a trendy new club…
I simply can’t resist.
They’re hot, wealthy, and charming as hell.

And they all want me.

The three of them run a tech company together…

But I’m the one with the codes.

I’m going to give them a taste.
I know they won’t be able to stay away.
I’ll leave them begging for more.
I don’t care what people think.
Some might frown upon it, but I say…

Why choose?

8. Made For Three
The best things come in threes…

When I met Alex, Noah, and Sebastian, I was instantly captivated.
Their creative souls called out to mine.

And their sculpted bodies didn't hurt either.

Who was I to resist their charm?
But their possessiveness has quickly gone from a turn-on to controlling.
I need to breathe. I need to find myself.
So I go back to school. Alone.
But my three men still hold my heart. And now that they’ve had a taste…

They won’t be letting me go.

They do everything to win me over.
They’re determined to get me back.
But what I don’t tell them is…

I will always be theirs.

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Jul 13th, 2022, 6:17 am

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Oct 21st, 2022, 12:26 pm
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Oct 28th, 2023, 4:17 am
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Jan 11th, 2024, 5:51 am
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Feb 1st, 2024, 7:19 am
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Mar 14th, 2024, 2:21 pm
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May 9th, 2024, 3:25 am
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May 9th, 2024, 3:25 am