Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Jul 25th, 2023, 4:08 pm
7 Novels by Nina Siren
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 960 kB
Overview: Nina Siren is a bestselling cozy mystery author by day and a twisted, dark science fiction romance author by night. When the family goes to sleep for the night, a dark and intense mood strikes as Nina Siren comes out to play. But as the sun begins to rise, Nina Siren goes back inside. To percolate on the dark and twisted stories that will keep you up at night.
Genre: Fiction > Romance

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Vicious Beast: I was saved from being food. I’m not sure being a toy is much better.
The Gren have taken over our planet, and I am one of the lucky few protected from being hunted by them. In exchange, I’ve been taken Tribute. It would be better to just label me what I am.
A body to break.
But as I am dumped before the aliens intent on using me, there is only one I see. And with the way he’s staring at me, it can only mean one thing…
I’m about to be his.

My Big Hot Red Alien: My alien mate is going to be the death of me.
The second I laid eyes on Zephyr, the connection was cosmic. And bless his heart, he’s so hot. But he’s also a hot mess.
He wants to protect me. But he keeps putting me in danger!
His rescues include breaking everything in sight. Wanton destruction follows him everywhere he goes.
How is he going to figure out who keeps trying to threaten my life and stop them if I’m already dead? After all the chaos, will I still end up as his mate?
Or will my heart (and life) be part of the collateral damage?

Alien Hunter's Toy: I wanted a job, not an alien stalker.
My only goal was helping my sick grandfather, even if it meant braving an alien ship to find the cure.
But I got more than I bargained for.
I got an alien mate.
Cromvos decides I'm his after one night. Now he bombards me with gifts, helps my colony, and…

Tries to take over my life.
He's ready to risk it all for me. But when he asks me to join him on his ship, I'm torn. Do I give in to this possessive alien who wants forever?
Or could his obsession put everything I love at risk?

Brutal Alien Mercenary: He is the protector of humanity. That means…
…There is no one to protect me from him.
He fights for humanity. But then he meets me and I can tell…
He now only fights for me.
This giant muscled warrior towers over me. He could break me in half. His body and weapons are meant for war. No one can stand against him. So when he decides after looking me up and down that I’m his, no one can stop him.
When he claims me as his and says he will take me on his ship, no one can step forward to defend me.
He doesn’t care that he’s ripping me away from everyone I know. And everything I was. But the worst part about it?
Neither do I.

Her Wolf Outlaw: Hannah Dolly has attracted the attention of an evil vampire.
There is no safe place she can hide.
Nowhere she can run.
Only one man can help her.
A werewolf named Joe.
Her grandmother trusted him. She will trust him.
And she will understand that no place will be safer for her...
...than his arms.

Demon Lord: My family cast me out to die...
But something worse than death found me.
Abandoned and weak, I am left in the woods.
When a creature of nightmare and red eyes finds me…
I know I’ve met my end.
Abbadon prowls the night thirsty for hearts.
But when he finds me, he doesn’t choose me as his prey.
He decides to claim me as his.
He takes me to his lair. I’m certain this is it for me.
Instead, I uncover the soul hidden in my monster.
When others come to hunt me, I'm finally forced to face the truth...
My demon lord is the most fearsome monster in this forest.

Bootleg Love: When my shifter community rejects me, a mate is the last thing on my mind…
Let alone three of them.
But it seems fate has something else in store for me.
I’m exiled. Hunted. Forced to run for my life through the night.
And right when I think I’ve lost it all…
I gain the one thing I need to survive.
Or rather, the three things I need.
Lucien, Etienne, and Auguste…
The most powerful shifter brothers in the underworld of New Orleans.
They conquer every inch of my being…

Download Instructions:
First 4 Books:

Her Wolf Outlaw:

Demon Lord:

Bootleg Love:

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Jul 25th, 2023, 4:08 pm
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Aug 29th, 2023, 4:32 pm
Added: Alien Hunter's Toy
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