Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Apr 18th, 2024, 1:55 pm
Declan (Ends World #4) by MercyAnn Summers
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 680 KB
Overview: Declan
So, I’m not exactly a great guy.
Sure, I’m a great musician and a helluva entertainer, but when it comes to the finer nuances of wooing a woman I may be somewhat lacking in patience and style.
You see, I tend to just want my way, and when it comes to getting my way, there are no limits, no boundaries, no lines that I will not cross in order to get exactly what I want.
And right now, I want her.
Sure, she hates me, and she’s engaged to another man, but what is love if you don’t have to prove you’re the better option.
Or in this case, the best option.
And also, her only option.

I’ve been America’s princess for so long I don’t remember what it’s like to be anonymous.
My life in the spotlight has rendered me immune to many things, but especially the unwanted advances of men.
And for the most part, my ability to deflect and disengage have served me well.
Up until now.
Until him.
He thinks he can wear me down, that he can push someone else aside and step into his shoes as if that part of my life never happened.
But what he doesn’t know is that I’ve been protecting myself from the evils of mankind for my entire life, and so far I’m still batting .500 on coming out unscathed.
And I won’t let him be the exception.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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Apr 18th, 2024, 1:55 pm
