Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
May 8th, 2024, 1:40 pm
Never Sent by Eden Larsen
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 333 KB
Overview: What would you say to someone you love but didn't get the chance?

Shay is a bubbly high school senior who has plans for herself. After her mom finds a blog on Pinterest, Shay decides to write letters to two of her favorite people in her world. She marks each of the envelopes with when they should be opened and places them in a box for later.

Henry is the star of the baseball team, and Shay's boyfriend. With a full-ride scholarship to a university in California, these two love-birds plan to spend as much time together as possible. On the outside, Henry is a jock who loves superheroes and sports. On the inside, he's a big teddy bear.

Harper has a unique personality that Shay was drawn to in elementary school. Harper has never been one to conform to the latest fashion trends, often wearing mismatched outfits and her hair in wild, short, braids. She doesn't know what she wants to do with her life, but she does know that traveling the world with her BFF is at the top of her list.

As graduation approaches for these three inseparable friends, tragedy strikes. Henry walks away with a scar on his face and a bit of memory loss. Harper walks away, but will she ever be the same? Shay's dreams of the future are changed in a way she never anticipated. Join these three musketeers as they are put to the ultimate test of friendship.

This story spans a period of about twelve years. It deals with loss, friendship, family, anxiety, moving forward, and love. This is a clean contemporary romance that is suitable for young adults on up. Grab a tissue, a blanket, and your favorite beverage as you read through the letters from each of the three friends.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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May 8th, 2024, 1:40 pm
