Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
May 16th, 2024, 2:45 am
Friendship and Fortitude by Amelia Westerly (Sweet Pride and Prejudice Variations #3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 402 KB
Overview: A delay on the road to Ramsgate will change everything…

When his carriage is damaged on the way to surprise his sister with a visit, Mr Darcy is sure the delay is of no consequence. He could have no idea that even then, Mr Wickham was persuading Georgiana Darcy to marry him. The successful elopement will result not just in a highly imprudent marriage, but in icy estrangement between the Darcy siblings - and the alteration of Mr Bingley’s plans to let Netherfield Park.

Three years later, Georgiana Wickham is made a widow by her husband’s folly, and Elizabeth Bennet is left near-penniless by her father’s death. While she seeks work as a lady’s companion, Georgiana seeks a companion warm and witty enough to help her bear up under what she imagines to be her brother’s anger and disapproval. Aghast that Mr Darcy would judge his sister so harshly, Elizabeth does not look forward to meeting such a cruel man…but she soon learns that Mr Darcy is not what he seems.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Regency


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May 16th, 2024, 2:45 am
