Speculative fiction, alternative worlds, futuristic, supernatural, horror
Apr 27th, 2024, 5:12 pm
Dragonfly (#2-4) by Resa Nelson
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Overview: Award-winning author Resa Nelson is a long-time member of SFWA (Science Fiction Writers of America) and a graduate of the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop. Resa writes fantasy and mystery/thriller novels about women who are strong, smart, and courageous. Her characters are everyday people faced by overwhelming problems that threaten to destroy the existence they know. Resa Nelson's Dragon Cycle is made up of four series (four books in each series) that follow the epic saga of four generations in a Norse-like fantasy world where dragons can be more than they seem. In addition, the Pingzi & Benzel novels are standalone books that fit into the world of the Dragon Cycle. Nelson has also written a two-book series inspired by ancient Egypt, as well as two science fiction standalone novels.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


#2. Dragonfly In The Land Of Ice
When Greeta is abducted by strange Northlander men who set sail for the Land of Ice, she is shocked to find her family aboard the Northlanders’ ship. Even more surprising, her family not only knows the men who stole Greeta away but also has promised to help them by forging weapons using the secret technique reserved for making dragonslayer swords. All Greeta wants is to go back to her simple, everyday life where she can live in peace and quiet.
Once they arrive in the Land of Ice, a sorcerer sends ice dragons that attack the Northlanders’ settlement. The Northlanders believe the sorcerer wants to drive them out of their own country. In a strange twist of fate, Greeta is isolated with the Northlander woman Frayka who believes she must find and kill the sorcerer in order to protect her people and their future. When Frayka is injured, Greeta knows that abandoning the Northlander woman would most likely lead to Frayka’s death. Although Greeta would rather return to her own family and home, she isn’t willing to risk Frayka’s safety, even if it means going on a journey that Greeta would refuse under normal circumstances.
Traveling together throughout the unusual countryside of the Land of Ice, Greeta and Frayka encounter bizarre magical creatures and unexpected allies. When Greeta realizes her own people back home in the Great Turtle Lands are likely to be the sorcerer’s next target, she steps up her efforts to help Frayka. But has Greeta’s change of heart come too late?

#3. Dragonfly In The Land Of Swamp Dragons
When Greeta and her Northlander friends find themselves in the Land of Swamp Dragons, they face hard decisions. In pursuit of the powerful sorcerer Finehurst, they don’t know where he is or how to find him. Greeta alone knows how dangerous Finehurst can be. She is also confused about the peaceful ways she learned in her Shining Star village and the insistence of her new Northlander friends that Greeta must embrace the warrior ways of her Northlander heritage.
With only a hint of Finehurst’s trail to follow, Greeta and her friends enter a strange new land of humid jungles and treacherous swamps. When they encounter a striking woman and the dragons who obey her, she takes the Northlanders to an exotic city and a culture far more grand than anything they’ve ever seen before. But because they don’t speak the language, Greeta and her friends don’t know if the Swamp Landers are friends or foes, maybe even in league with Finehurst.
Greeta realizes the freedom known throughout the Great Turtle Lands will die unless she can figure out how to stop Finehurst by distinguishing her friends from her foes. But Greeta also must decide who she will become: a peaceful Shining Star woman or a Northlander warrior.

#4. Dragonfly In The Land Of Sleeping Giants
In the fourth and final book of the Dragonfly series, the deadly sorcerer Finehurst threatens to bring all people in the Great Turtle Lands to their knees as his slaves. His power is immense. Only Greeta knows the danger he poses. If he succeeds, Finehurst will conquer the world.
A prophecy has been revealed. A Northlander woman must go to the Land of Sleeping Giants. But the prophecy doesn’t say how to find those giants.
Greeta knows she’s the Northlander woman in the prophecy, even though everything she believes comes from living in the Shining Star nation. She looks like a violent Northlander, but she practices the ways of the peaceful Great Turtle Lands.
Although her friends travel by Greeta’s side, they harbor secrets. Unless revealed, those secrets are likely to tear Greeta and her friends apart.
Will Greeta find the Sleeping Giants? If she can discover how to wake them, will the giants help her defeat Finehurst?
Or will the fate of the world fall solely on Greeta’s shoulders?

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Apr 27th, 2024, 5:12 pm

✨️ Oooh, riiight. The poison. The poison for Kuzco. The poison chosen
specially to kill Kuzco. Kuzco's poison. That poison? I got you covered.
