Speculative fiction, alternative worlds, futuristic, supernatural, horror
Apr 29th, 2024, 9:22 pm
The Black Chronicles by J.M. Anjewierden (Books 1, 4)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1MB
Overview: J. M. Anjewierden spends his days hawking others’ books in his job for the Salt Lake County Library System. It’s a job he loves, and being able to recommend good books is a big part of that. (Being in charge of the weekly Dungeons and Dragons game the library hosts for teens is pretty great too).
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


1. The Long Black
Morgan always assumed that if she could survive growing up in the mines of Planet Hillman – feared for its brutal conditions and gravity twice that of Earth – she could survive anything.
That was before she became a starship mechanic. Now she has to contend with hostile bosses, faulty equipment, and even taking care of her friend’s little girl. Once pirates show up, it’s a wonder she can get any work done at all.

4. Black Salvage
Morgan and the crew of STEVE have captured the pirates’ command ship, but can they keep it?
After a harrowing battle on the mining station and in the Black they won an incredibly valuable prize – an armed starship that, once repaired, is capable of subspace jumps without a gate. All Morgan and her skeleton crew need do is make the long journey home and they will be rewarded handsomely.
Unfortunately, not all the pirates are accounted for, and their nimble frigates are still out there somewhere, plotting to take back what Morgan rightfully commandeered…

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