Crime, mystery, suspense, legal, action-adventure
May 16th, 2024, 10:24 am
Her Boyfriend's Past by Nash Greene
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 209 KB
Overview: What started as a fairy tale has quickly turned into a nightmare of twists and turns. I don't know what to believe, or who to trust.

Jeremy seemed perfect when I met him – smart, charming, and handsome, but I’ve found out he may have had a violent, dark past that he kept secret from me.

I should’ve known it from the first date. When some bikers started hitting on my friend and me at the bar, my boyfriend gave them a brutal, vicious beatdown. Even when they were unconscious on the ground, he kept kicking them.

I know he was trying to protect me, but he went overboard. The crazed look in his eyes was terrifying.

A few days later, the bikers are found dead. Murdered. My friend Todd is convinced that my boyfriend is the one who did it.

I don’t know what or who to believe – my friend who I’ve known for years, or the charming, sweet guy I thought was so perfect. Despite seeing how violent he got with the bikers when they disrespected me, I still can’t believe he’s capable of murder, and he acts like I'm crazy when he finds out I'm suspicious of him.

This nightmare feels like it’s never going to end, and just when I think I’ve become numb to surprises, I find out something that shocks me to my core.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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May 16th, 2024, 10:24 am
