Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Nov 13th, 2017, 5:05 pm
8 Books by C.A. Harms
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 3.5 MB
Overview: I am an Illinois girl, born and raised. Simple and true. I love the little things; they truly mean the most. I may have a slight addiction to my new Keurig—oh my, that thing is a godsend. And so fast too. I have two children who truly are the greatest part of my days, and their faces never fail to put a smile on my face.
Genre: Romance


Healing Hope - Hope Larsen is living each day of her life with a crippling guilt.
The game of ‘what if’ has made it almost impossible to move forward from such a
horrific event. In one life-changing moment, someone who meant so very much
to her was taken. A man who once was her best friend. A man she fell in love
She wanted to love him freely even though he was gone and not feel so
immobilized by his absence. Relive the memories of times they shared without
feeling broken and lost.
Then he shows up.
He waltzes right into her life as if he belongs, strong confident and determined to
make her see him.
When Travis Donovan crosses paths with the snarky blonde, he’s intrigued. Her
dismissal of him and his antics doesn’t have the effect she’d hoped for. In fact,
it’s just the opposite. He’s not one to run scared from a challenge, but instead,
he's the type to fight even harder to conquer it.
Though she tries to fight her attraction for the cocky electrician, she finds that his
dedication fascinates her.
Hope comes to the realization that there’s one thing that scares her the most.
This man reminds her of the one she lost.
That stride, that smile, even the way he torments her…it’s all the same. He could
be the one to show her that it's okay to move forward. It’s okay to love again.
Travis Donovan just might be the one to heal Hope.

Kyler - He was off-limits. Forbidden. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him...
Kyler was my boyfriend’s best friend. I never looked at him as anything more than a friend too, but that all changed when Beau deceived me.
One unexpected night, one moment of truth, and that imaginary line between friendship and lovers was crossed.
Secrets were shared. Desires fulfilled. There’s no going back now.
Our lives were changed forever…

Rules of Friendship - As a guy, the number one rule to being best friends with a girl should be simple…
Never, and I do mean never, fall in love with her.
Oh and you should never fantasize about her either.
Believe me, that situation can get messy really fast and leave you with nothing but one hell of an awkward mess on your hands—literally.
Reese and I have been through everything together; our bond is deep. But I am going down fast, and I fear there is no way to stop it. I spend most of my time hiding my body’s reaction to her because like I said: just friends.
But things are changing. We are changing.
I no longer see her as just Reese, my best friend. When I look at her now, I see a gorgeous woman that takes my breath away. I see my future. But what if she doesn’t see me the same way?
I can’t risk losing her…
The fear of screwing everything up is excruciating. So that’s why I have chosen to stick to the rules. The Rules of Friendship that is.
She was off limits. Plain and simple.

Boy Toy Auction - What was meant to be a fun evening to benefit charity, suddenly became so much more…
They were both volunteered into attending the Boy Toy Auction.
One as a contestant.
One as an attendee.
Emerson lost an internal battle the moment Nicholas stepped onto the stage.
As soon as he started moving his hips to the rhythm of the music, she was captivated. Suddenly, the timid girl became a warrior as she fought to have the highest bid.
There was no way she was leaving without him at her side.
From the moment Nic saw her, Emerson became his focal point.
The beautiful woman in the silver dress.
The one that held his stare.
He needed her to win.
He needed her.
He’d make sure this was the best money she’d ever spend.
Or the worst…depends on how you look at it.
Because sometimes, it doesn’t matter what you want, life has a way of throwing you a curve ball that you aren’t prepared for…

Deception - Deception: The act of deceiving someone.
That became a pattern in my life. It was the way the chips fell. I'm destined to be that girl that fell for the wrong guy. If he was a liar and a cheat, I found him or he found me. It didn’t really matter how it happened, it just always did.
But when I met Jake, I thought he was different. He was just a guy trying to get by, much like me in a sense. He was happy with the little things in life...he made me feel safe and settled.
That was until I found out that his name, his life, and the man he pretended to be, were nothing but a fraud. He used me to get the answers he needed, and in the process, he managed to take my last ounce of hope and crush it.
I just wanted him gone. I wanted to forget the times we shared, the laughs we had. I wanted to ignore the fact that he’d so easily found a place in my heart.
Only there was one problem... I wasn’t allowed to forget.
I am reminded daily of him. Each morning, I have no choice but to look into the same, beautiful eyes he possessed. I see his smile, and that same shade of dark melted chocolate hair that at one point, I loved running my fingers through.
Every single day I reminded of the fact that the father of my child is nothing more than a man that truly never existed.

Just Breathe Again - I had it all. Truly, I had the perfect life. One filled with happiness and love where the bright smiles of my gorgeous wife and my beautiful daughter greeted me every day. I was a lucky man…
Until I lost it all.
Sometimes, when I close my eyes, I can still see them. My two angels still shining with their never-ending beauty. But those visions always lead me to darkness…
The moment when I find myself alone again. The pain is real and the emptiness inside me only grows with each passing day.
Time will heal me, they say. But they’ve never lived through the loss I have. They’ve never felt the excruciating pain of what it means to have your heart shattered into a million pieces.
They don’t know the guilt I carry.
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother waking up every morning. But if I let go, I let go of them. And their memory is all I have left.
I know I need to move on. I know it’s time to Just Breathe Again…
The problem is I didn’t know where to start.

All the Wrong Choices - Being left at the alter on your wedding day is devastating.
But when the man you are supposed to marry has run off with your younger sister, well, that’s an entirely new form of hell.
Everything I believed in, everything I envisioned for my future, was nothing more than a lie. I was a fool. The poor girl who couldn’t hold onto her man. Everyone pitied me, but I didn’t want nor need their pity.
Never again will I be the vulnerable one.
Never again will I allow myself to fall in love because let’s face it, love and commitment are nothing more than a waste of time.
Never again will I fall for a man’s lies.
I’ll remain distant and unattached and I will not falter. Not even when a tall, handsome, and incredibly hot man makes me question the plans I’ve made for myself.
I can’t give in, no matter how perfect he appears to be. I know better and all good things always come to a crashing, destructible finale. I know it will end and when it does, I’ll be the one left shattered.
I’m not sure I’ll survive another fall.
All the Wrong Choices, lead to heartbreak…
And my heart couldn’t take another hit.

Before We Were Us - She stepped up to my side in a dark club and ordered a whiskey.
My go-to drink.
I didn’t know her name, I knew nothing about her, but every part of me came alive.
For more than a year my life had been turned upside down. I’d hit a wall at every turn, but suddenly the weight had lifted.
And the minute she stepped away, I felt the loss.
Things are not always as they seem.
We all have regrets; parts of our lives we wish we could erase.
For me, I wish I could change the order in which those choices were made.
Had I only met her first.
Had it been her that said yes.
Brynn is everything I could ever want, the problem is, my past may keep us from ever having a future.
Because before we were us, I was a version of myself I’d like to forget.
But that version of me has not yet been laid completely to rest.

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Nov 13th, 2017, 5:05 pm
Last edited by juandelacruz on May 13th, 2024, 3:32 pm, edited 22 times in total.
Aug 5th, 2018, 3:05 pm
Rules of Friendship
Aug 5th, 2018, 3:05 pm
Aug 12th, 2019, 3:19 pm
Just Breathe Again
Aug 12th, 2019, 3:19 pm
Jun 23rd, 2021, 3:34 pm
All the Wrong Choices
Jun 23rd, 2021, 3:34 pm