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May 10th, 2024, 2:50 am
Inter-Service Communication with Go: Mastering protocols, queues, and event-driven architectures in Go by Dušan Stojanović
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF reader, 10 MB
Overview: This book will cover different concepts of inter-service communication. They will be demonstrated through the Go programming language, its standard library, and popular third-party packages for concepts. Begin by understanding basic concepts such as clients, servers, and communication methods. Explore RESTful APIs and HTTP, the backbone of many systems. Learn about protocol buffers and gRPC for efficient data exchange. For asynchronous communication, discover message queuing with RabbitMQ and event-driven patterns with Redis. Lastly, explore event-driven architecture (EDA) and Apache Kafka for implementing this style of communication. Modern software architecture often consists of multiple services that communicate with each other. Designing and building efficient and performant inter-service communication is essential. Without it, a solution will not provide a proper user experience. The Go programming language has become the preferred language for backend services due to its simplicity, efficiency, and concurrency support. A combination of well-designed inter-service communication systems and the Go programming language can create powerful software solutions. This book was created to provide a guide for multiple inter-service communication concepts, including their advantages, disadvantages, and typical uses. All presented concepts will be covered with practical examples and implementations in the Go programming language. Implementations combine the Go standard library and third-party packages (when the standard library does not support a specific concept or the third-party package provides a more efficient solution).
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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May 10th, 2024, 2:50 am