Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
Sep 2nd, 2019, 3:12 pm
The Waiting Game Series by Dee Stewart (1-4)
Requirements: epub reader, 1.2 MB
Overview:Currently, she lives in Florida with her husband and incredibly hairy cat, Leo.
Genre: Romance


1. Waiting for Brianna - Cameron “Hurricane” McAdams’ life implodes when his wife and son are killed in a car bomb meant for him at the hand of the Morales drug cartel. Seeking solace on the wild coast of Maine, eighteen months later he meets historical romance author Brianna Birmingham when she moves into the cottage on the beach below his Victorian. The thunderstorm that throws them together one night is mild compared to the tempest raging between them.
Just as Cameron succumbs to his heart’s desire, his past returns with a vengeance. Morales tracks him down and makes his move, leaving both Cameron and Brianna seriously injured. While they are recuperating, they are separated, leaving Brianna brokenhearted and Cameron struggling to live without her. Waiting for Brianna seems to be the only thing he can do because moving on without the woman he loves is not an option.

2. Waiting for Jaime - Jaime Richardson is trapped in a nightmare. Trapped between working for a corporate raider and betraying him to the FBI. When he propositions her after allowing her privileged glimpses into his criminal activities, she flees.
After changing her appearance and her name, Jaime escapes to Denver where she once met the only man who could ever truly own her heart – Jeremy Stone. One incredibly sweet moment shared a year earlier was enough to confirm they were meant for each other, but now Jeremy is trapped in a nightmare of his own. A horrible mistake has ripped apart the fabric of his family and his life, and when circumstances bring them together again, he doesn’t see past her disguise.
Unable to tell him the truth, afraid for her life, all Jaime can do is wait. Wait for their personal nightmares to end. Wait to reveal the secret of her identity. Wait for their enduring love to conquer all.

3. Waiting For Addie: Gabriel's Temptation - Special Agent Bobby Hogan and dancer Addison Richardson are finally able to begin their life together after dangerous criminal Dominic Grimaldi is incarcerated. With marriage on the horizon for them and a coveted theatre role for her, life couldn’t be sweeter. Until a new, mysterious threat finds them in the form of revenge sought by Francesca Grimaldi, Dominic’s wife.
Through the bonds of blood and honor, she demands help from her brother, Gabriel Constantine, in a plot to kill Hogan and kidnap Addie. But Gabriel’s ties to family become blurred as his attraction to Addie grows, proving her to be his ultimate temptation.
Will he sacrifice himself for a woman who might never be his or succumb to the demon raging inside him to carry out his sister’s plan for vengeance?

4. Waiting for Devon - Dr. Devon Brooks is trying to mend a broken heart after a devastating miscarriage and a failed marriage. Two years later, she’s found her footing again while practicing pediatric emergency care in San Francisco. That is, until she receives not one, but two, unexpected proposals on the anniversary of her divorce. One from her ex-husband and one from a casual acquaintance who could influence her entire future.
Reed Barrington prefers horses to humans. Raising and training thoroughbreds at Barrington Ranch provides an escape from his father’s impossible standards, his sister’s alcoholism, and his brother’s self-indulgent lifestyle. When his brother comes home with Dr. Devon Brooks as his fiancée, Reed yearns for something more in his life. The moment he lays eyes on the beautiful doctor, Reed covets what he can’t have. And after one stolen kiss, he decides he’s willing to do whatever it takes to win her from his brother.
But when someone close to the family decides to cash in on the Barrington fortune, Devon could be the one to pay the price.

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Sep 2nd, 2019, 3:12 pm
Last edited by juandelacruz on Feb 25th, 2024, 3:46 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Dec 16th, 2019, 3:38 pm

2. Waiting for Jaime
Dec 16th, 2019, 3:38 pm
Nov 17th, 2020, 1:36 am
3. Waiting For Addie: Gabriel's Temptation
Nov 17th, 2020, 1:36 am
Jul 19th, 2021, 4:23 pm
4. Waiting for Devon
Jul 19th, 2021, 4:23 pm