Chick lit, historical, contemporary, fantasy, time-travel, paranormal romance
May 9th, 2022, 12:10 pm
The Sunrise Coast Series by Elise Darcy (1-3, 5, 8-9)
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 18. mb
Overview: Elise Darcy loves writing romantic suspense. Her stories revolve around family secrets, second chances, and the courage to follow your dreams – wherever they might lead.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


1. New Beginnings at the Harbour Inn - What happens when your heart is pulled in two different directions? Who do you choose?
Lili’s life is about to change but not in the way she imagined. Living in a lovely, rental apartment in Kew with her boyfriend, Alex, she has just completed her horticulture degree. She hopes to get her dream job at Kew Gardens.
When Alex surprises her with a break away on the Suffolk Coast, in a grand hotel on the sea front, Lili assumes he is whisking her away on a romantic weekend to propose. However, they weren’t celebrating their engagement, but Alex’s new job in Washington – something she knew nothing about.
Lili has a life in London, friends, but there was a reason he assumed she would drop everything to go with him; Lili, an orphan with a mysterious past, has no ties, no family to keep her here – except Hannah. Best friends since their schooldays, she was like the family Lili never had.
When Hannah arrives on her doorstep on the day they were leaving, asking Lili for a huge favour, she is forced to make an impossible choice. Leaving for the Suffolk Coast, without Alex, a chance encounter sends her on a journey to discover the secrets from her past. Now Lili must decide where her future lies and with whom . . .

2. The Secret of the Summerhouse - How far would you go to uncover a secret from your past?
Only ever look back to see how far you’ve come; those were the words her social worker, Connie, had impressed on the orphaned Lili her whole life. But was it time to revisit her past…?
After breaking up with her partner, Lili is facing an uncertain future. A chance encounter with a curmudgeonly old gentleman who runs an antique store on the Suffolk Coast is about to change the course of Lili’s life. He offers Lili the flat above his shop at a peppercorn rent. But unbeknown to Lili, she reminds him of someone from his past.
Lili isn’t the only new arrival on the windswept Suffolk Coast. Nate is starting over with his young son, returning to stay with his grandfather, Joseph, in his imposing home called The Summerhouse. A blossoming friendship soon develops between Nate and Lili that takes them both by surprise.
Things take an unexpected turn when Lili discovers Joseph hasa Hebrew wedding band, one of a matching pair – the other one Lili has had since childhood. It was her only possession, hanging on a chain around her neck when she was found as a small child wandering alone on a beach in Corfu.
Lili sets out on a journey to Corfu to discover the truth about her past, and starts to unravel a mystery that spans three generations – a mystery that leads her back to Joseph and the secret of the summerhouse.

3. The Cottage by the Sea - Where do you go to mend a broken heart?
When Abigail’s world falls apart, she doesn’t know how to pick herself up and carry on after losing her soulmate. They had plans. Her late husband worked as a paramedic and they were saving hard to buy their own home. Toby had been working an extra shift when he died. If he hadn’t been, Abigail knew he’d still be here today.
Abigail is shocked to discover Toby has left her a cottage in his will – The Hideaway. At first she thinks there has been some mistake; there were no secrets between them – were there? Now her world falls apart again when she realises she is grieving a man with a secret past.
Abigail’s best friend, Lili, comes to the rescue, persuading her to visit the cottage by the sea she has inherited on the fringes of a Suffolk market town. Once there she meets the Somerville’s; Hugh, still grieving the loss of his wife in childbirth thirty-five years ago, his son, Oliver, set to inherit Somerville Hall, and his older sister, Carys, who has returned home to the hall after a messy divorce.
But all is not what it appears with the Somerville’s, and as their lives unravel, Abigail discovers they might hold the key to unlocking the secrets of Toby’s past.

5. The Houseboat by The Quay - Would you risk it all to find where you truly belong?
Lexi’s dream life is about to fall apart in a spectacular fashion. Living in New York with her best friend and soulmate, Brandon, Lexi is not prepared for her life to unravel when she unexpectedly returns home from work one Monday morning.
Reeling from a betrayal, she returns to her grandparents in Connecticut where she grew up. She hasn’t been back since she lost her mother six months ago. She knew going back would be a mistake. There would be strings attached; a job in their firm and a life Lexi did not want.
A phone call from the lawyer who handled her late mother’s estate brings some unexpected news; a letter has surfaced which she should have received months ago. Lexi has been given specific instructions by her late mother to deliver the sealed letter personally to a reclusive writer who lives in England, and to tell no one about her trip.
Lexi had always intended to return to England. Now this was a perfect excuse to go. But who is this reclusive writer and what secrets are hidden in that letter? Will she discover the reason her early life in England was never spoken of, and her desire to return to the country of her birth always discouraged?

8. The Beach House - Briony has always known there was someone missing from her life…
Briony thinks she has her future all mapped out until something unexpected throws her life off course. A letter arrives from her grandmother, Blythe, whom she has never met, inviting her to The Beach House on the Suffolk Coast. The letter comes with a warning – she must keep her trip a secret.
Briony still has her mother’s old shell box that she found as a child. Inside is a key. Her mother once said it was the key to her heart. She would say no more about it. Briony is about to discover it is the key to a house which has been in her family for generations.
When she arrives the mystery deepens as Blythe is nowhere to be found. Briony meets her grandmother’s friends in Cobblers Yard, and they rally round, joining her in her search to uncover the truth behind her grandmother’s disappearance.
Will Briony reveal her family’s secretive past at The Beach House, or is the truth destined to remain lost, as elusive as the tide that ebbs and flows on the Suffolk shore?

9. A Summer to Remember - In the quiet solitude of The Beach House, Briony's journey to find her elusive relative, the grandmother she has never met, is about to take an unexpected turn …
Briony starts to unravel the poignant love story from decades ago between her grandmother and a mystery man named Frank – a tale of unrequited love told through love letters hidden in an old bureau. Would they provide clues to her grandmother’s whereabouts?
Their poignant love story mirrors her own – Briony did not expect to arrive at The Beach House, and fall in love. Troy. They could never be together; she has a fiancé, a life back in Oxford, and a child on the way. But how could she possibly leave this place, leave Troy?
Troy did not expect to arrive at The Beach House and meet Blythe’s beautiful granddaughter, or fall in love. That’s not what he was there for. But she’d discovered him at The Beach House and assumed he was doing some work on the property. He didn’t know how long he could keep up the pretence before she found out the truth.
As the mystery of what happened there one summer starts to unravel, Briony is about to discover everything she believed about her life was built on lie.
Will the secrets from that summer bring Briony and Troy together or drive them apart forever?

Download Instructions:
1-3, 5, 8

9. A Summer to Remember

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May 9th, 2022, 12:10 pm
Last edited by juandelacruz on Apr 28th, 2024, 3:33 pm, edited 10 times in total.
May 15th, 2022, 3:35 pm

2. The Secret of the Summerhouse
May 15th, 2022, 3:35 pm
May 29th, 2022, 3:20 pm
3. The Cottage by the Sea
May 29th, 2022, 3:20 pm
Feb 4th, 2023, 11:58 am
5. The Houseboat by The Quay
Feb 4th, 2023, 11:58 am
Apr 28th, 2024, 3:33 pm

9. A Summer to Remember
Apr 28th, 2024, 3:33 pm